Retirement isn’t what it used to be. For many people these days, it’s not about winding down, it’s about finally having time to do all the exciting things that are still on the bucket list. So when it comes to planning for your ‘golden years’, it’s important not to just focus on your finances. Yes, of course you need to make sure there’s enough money to do all the things you want to do. But it’s just as important to invest in your health and wellbeing – so you’re fighting fit and ready to grab retirement by the horns.
Here are some ways you can invest in yourself now to ensure you have a very rich retirement:
Get your finances in order
This one is a no-brainer. Get your money organised so you know what you’ll have to live on in your retirement. The sooner the better is the key – then you have more chance to make adjustments if you think your pensions aren’t going to deliver what you want them to.
Eat well and be healthy
As your body gets older, it’s even more important to give it all the nourishment it needs to stay strong and energetic. So make sure you have regular meals packed full of vitamins and minerals. And aim to do at least 150 minutes of physical activity every week.
Have regular health checks
The NHS Health Check programme is there to help prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes, kidney disease and certain types of dementia. Everyone between the ages of 40 and 74 is invited to a check up – so if you’re offered a free MOT like this, go along. Prevention is better than a cure.
Make a list
Now’s the time to think about everything you want from retirement. Make a list of what you want to focus on so you can concentrate on making it happen – and not let it slip away from you. Set yourself some big challenges, factor in relaxation time or start working on a long-held ambition.
Practice mindfulness
This is a great tool to help you stay focused and relieve stress, anxiety and depression either in the years before retirement, or while you’re in the throes of it. Fresh air and exercise is a brilliant mood booster and meditation is incredible for boosting the memory and staying sharp.
Give something back
If you start working less in the run-up to retirement, you might want to think about volunteering. Maybe get involved with a local youth group, charity, animal rescue centre or environmental organisation. You’ll meet interesting people and feel good about yourself into the bargain.
Push yourself
This is your big opportunity to do something new, find a different hobby, spend more time doing the things you’ve always enjoyed. Or of course, you might be planning something really big like travelling the world (when it’s possible) or launching a new company. The only limit is your imagination!
We spend a lot of our time helping people plan for retirement – and make sure they’re in a position to get the most out of it. So if you need any help planning for yours, please feel free to give us a call on 01372 365950.